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A Message from Steve Burke

U.S. Army Veteran, Served in Iraq, American Legion Member
Current Executive Leadership Team, Grouper

As a veteran, I went to work for Grouper because of their excellent work in our communities. Grouper brings people together around the things they love to do so they can be their happiest and healthiest while connecting with others. 

It’s called social fitness, and it’s been proven to be a powerful tool to enhance mental and physical health. I can’t think of a group that deserves these benefits more than America’s veterans.

When you sign up, Grouper will pay you $50, which can be used to cover your annual American Legion dues. If you stay active each month in group activities you love – like American Legion Riders, volunteering, socializing at your local post, playing golf or pickleball and the list goes on – Grouper pays you $20 every three months.

Why you should enroll:

For U.S. based members only.

Grouper helps you to access benefits to pay for part or all of the activities that provide social connection and keep you healthy.

This partnership helps Legionnaires 65 and over access the activity benefits that may already be part of their current health plan.

Grouper is not a health insurance company and will never sell you anything. They are here to help administer social benefits.