Stride Challenge

Welcome to the Stride Challenge! The Stride Challenge provides support and encouragement to members of GrouperWalks and unites members around a common goal of walking. 

Here’s how it works: 

Challenge Parameters

  • The challenge will run from April 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024
  • Each member should aim for 15 walks per month, and GrouperWalks will award points based on the number of walks per month.  

Point System

  • Solo walks are worth 1 point, walks with others are worth 2 points. We encourage you to invite a friend or a neighbor out for a walk! 
  • 5 bonus points are awarded to every member who achieves 15 walks per month. 
  • We will also announce special challenges periodically with additional bonus points! 

Reporting your walks

  • To report your walks to Grouper, we’ll rely on the honor system. GrouperWalks will send a monthly email with a link for members to self-report their monthly walks, and members can report walks for any months prior to joining GrouperWalks (e.g., a member who joins in April can report walks from January through March).
  • We will celebrate the walking milestones and success stories of various GrouperWalks members in our monthly GrouperWalks newsletter, Stride.
  • We encourage you to post about your walks on the GrouperWalks Facebook page. Use the hashtag #GrouperWalks and please like and share other posts from the group!

Incentives and awards

  • GrouperWalks members who report that they walked all three months of the challenge will receive a $20 gift card.
  • Following the conclusion of the initial 2024 Stride Challenge (on June 30, 2024), prizes will be awarded to the top 20 point earners.

It’s that simple.

This is healthcare!

The signup window for Stride Challenge has now closed.


How do I report my walks?
  • We will send you an email every Friday during the challenge with a link to a form where you can report your walks.
Do you have any walking groups in my area?

We will be launching local walking groups in select geographies in the coming months. In the meantime, we will share resources and tips to connect you with fellow walkers in your area.

Is there a fee to join?

Fees are covered for people who are eligible for Grouper, an exclusive benefit that encourages healthy living through activities like walking. You must be eligible for Grouper to join GrouperWalks.

What is Grouper and how does it work?

Grouper is your gateway to vibrant social connections. Seamlessly working with health plans to cover membership dues, Grouper ensures you can unlock the benefits of ‘Social Fitness’ and contribute to improved mental, physical, and social well-being.

Wait, who is Element3 Health?

Element3 Health is our prior name and has evolved into Grouper. This transition helps align our name with Grouper’s mission of encouraging healthy living through activities that build meaningful social connections and shared experiences. The name change reinforces our dedication to group interactions and how they transformatively impact overall well-being.

Why did Grouper launch GrouperWalks?

We launched GrouperWalks after resounding feedback from our membership that they wanted a way to stay active and connected with fellow walking enthusiasts. 

Why are you going to contact me and ask me to report my walks?

Our primary objective is keeping people active. We will send you regular emails regarding your walking activity – it will take just a few moments to complete – and then report your answers to your health plan. We do this to encourage participation and ensure your continued eligibility with GrouperWalks. 


Participants in the Stride Challenge who report that they walked all three months of the challenge will receive a $20 gift card. 


What if I don’t walk every month?

That’s okay! We understand things get in the way of pursuing your passions. We just ask that you respond to our inquiries when we reach out, and do your best to stay active.

This sounds too good to be true, what’s the catch?

There’s no catch, it’s really this simple. Grouper believes in the power of social connection and has teamed up with insurance providers who believe the same. Groups such as GrouperWalks have proven to help active adults live longer lives. As long as you remain active, we will cover your yearly membership costs.

Is my privacy protected?

Yes. Your information is not sold. We only share your information as needed for the purposes of administering your health benefit. For further information, see our Privacy Policy.

Who do I contact if I need help signing up or have questions?

The friendly Member Engagement Team at Grouper is here to help! Give them a call at 833-906-1700 or email them at for help or questions.

How do I access the Facebook group?

Please be sure to be logged int to your Facebook account and join the group here: